Sunday, August 30, 2009

In today's paper...

Yup...this is what a stack of TWELVE Sunday papers looks like.

I went out for a bachelorette party last night and, well, let's just say I didn't get home until early this morning and low and behold, my papers were ALREADY delivered. So...I brought them all into the garage and figured I'd bring them in in the morning, as my oldest likes to help. Well, this morning I asked him to come help me get my papers and he immediately went out the front door. I tried calling him to the garage with me, but he didn't hear me, so he continued out toward the driveway. I brought in the papers from the garage and...he starts coming in with papers! I was like...."uh...."

I have no idea why, but for some reason they delivered two sets of 6 papers to my house! I'm totally confused. That's 12 papers you see up there in the stack.

Any way, in today's paper there are three inserts, SmartSource, RedPlum, and Proctor & Gamble.

Plus, yet again, there are THREE more doublers (Twice-the-Value coupons)! Not sure what to do with doublers? Click HERE to find out.

Holy cow am I going to have a LOT of work ahead of me with three inserts (12 sets each) to separate, staple, and cut! Oh well...I managed to score 36 doublers! I don't even know if I can use that many! I will probably have to do a little today, tomorrow, and Tuesday just to use them all up.

If you are new to the site or new to couponing and are not sure what I'm talking about or what to do with these coupon inserts, click HERE!


  1. brian says awwwww how sweet the paper boy has a crush on that is alot of im waitin to see how you used em

  2. Well, I went and used 6 so far. LOL. I have 30 left. :) I am going today after my dad gets off work (so he can watch my boys) so hopefully I can snag lots of good stuff!


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