Saturday, September 26, 2009

Internet Printable Database

I added a cool new button to my blog (over in the right side-column). If you are unfamiliar with the KrazyCouponLady's Internet Printable (IP) Database, then you should definitely click on the button to check it out! She keeps an extensive and current directory of all of the printable coupons floating around in cyberspace! If there is ever an IP that I mention but do not give a link to, you can now go to the database and find it quickly and easily (they are sorted alphabetically). I use it a lot when I know there's an IP out there but I can't remember exactly I am supposed to find it, or when I am looking at my ads each week and think, "Hm...I wonder if there's an IP for this?" It's easy to look it up and find out within seconds. :)

I would definitely recommend checking it out and even bookmarking it! It's a GREAT tool for those of us who use printable coupons and applies to you no matter where you live! Go click the button!


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