Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Expired coupons...

You probably already know (but maybe you don't) that you can send your expired coupons to military families overseas. They are able to use them up to 6 months past the expiration date! I previously posted a link (HERE) where you could go to get more info on sending your coupons, but now KrazyCouponLady has made it even EASIER to send them! She has put together a program where we mail them to a woman named Andrea, who is here locally, who will then send one large package. Isn't that awesome? You can go HERE to get all of the information you need, including the address to send them to. It doesn't mention anything on the site, but I think it would be great if you are able and willing to also send maybe a dollar or two just to help cover shipping costs. NOT a requirement, though! Just a thought.

They do ask that you only send your coupons once per month, and will be sending them out during the second week of each month. I just think it's totally awesome that they are doing this and making it that much easier for all of us. Hopefully, that will make many more inclined to do it, too!

As you know, many of our coupons expired yesterday (11/30), so it's time, yet again, to pull them out and help some military families!


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