Monday, January 4, 2010

Find LOCAL deals wherever you live!

I know all of my readers are not from Idaho, but I have a couple of resources for you to find deals for YOUR state. The first is by using The Frugal Map by Bargain Brianna. This tool is AMAZING, but brand new, so your state might not yet be listed. If not, be sure to keep checking back, as new blogs are being added continuously!

The Frugal Map | © | Designed by 4unate Design | Submit Your Blog

The Deal Fanatic has a great "Blogs by State" list that you should check out HERE.

Coupon Geek also provides a great list HERE where you can search by store, which can be particularly helpful if you live in a state not yet listed on either of the above lists. You may find someone who lives in another state, but still provides match-ups for a store in your town.

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