Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Using up some doublers...

I made it out to Albies again today, since I was headed to Walmart any way. Still had a bunch of doublers I needed to use up...some of these items were not on sale, so the deal wasn't as great as it could have been, but, again, wanted to use up those doublers, so I used them on things I had coupons for that were expiring soon and things I needed any way. Here's my loot...

9 (more) - Hamburger Helper (used 3-$.75/3 + 3 doublers, making them $.50/ea)
4 - Darigold Flavored Milk Singles (used 2-$1/2 +2 doublers, making them FREE)
6 - Nesquik Flavored Milk Singles (used 3-$1/2 + 3 doublers, making them FREE)
2 - Velveeta Shells singles (used $1/2 + 1 doubler, making them $.29/ea)
1 - Taco Bell Dinner Kit (used $1/1 + 1 doubler, making it $.69)
2 - Trident Gum (used $1/2 + 1 doubler, making them $.04/ea)
4 - Oscar Meyer Weiners (not pictured) (used 2-$1/2 + 2 doublers, making them FREE)

I even scored some make-up that I was going to buy at Walmart any way, except that I found it was a much better deal at Albies using doublers!

Cover Girl Loose Powder (was going to buy this at Walmart, like usual, for $5.82. Albies had it for $5.99, used $1/1 + 1 doubler, making it $3.99)
Cover Girl Eye Make-up remover (was going to buy this at Walmart for $3.98. Albies had it for $3.34, used $1/1 + 1 doubler, making it $1.34)
Cover Girl Perfect Point Eyeliner pencil (I didn't price check this at Walmart, but Albies had it for $3.67, used $1/1 + 1 doubler, making it $1.67)

Total for all items should have been $66.72. I paid only $12.85. That's a savings of $53.87 or 81%! And that was getting items that weren't even on sale! Just taking advantage of double coupons!

While I was at Walmart today, I took advantage of a Fred Meyer deal they have going on. Fred Meyer has Bush's Best Baked Beans or Grillin Beans on sale for 4/$5. Remember, Walmart will price-match competitor prices (just bring in the ad from the paper if you can, otherwise you will have to wait for them to call the other store to verify prices). These beans are usually $1.66 at Walmart, with Fred Meyer's deal, they are $1.25. I then used 2-$1/2 printable from HERE. So, I paid $.75/ea for these. Gotta love these for BBQ season! :)

I will probably hit Albies one more time tonight on the way back from Weston's tball game. I need to use up the last of my doublers. :)

1 comment:

  1. Can you say Addicted!!!... yes yes you are.. but hey when your that good..why not!!.. congrats on your killer deals.. especially on make up.. that one is always a tough one to get!!.. i myself just got back from albies.. i'll let ya know how i did..


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